What are the application of DTA?

In differential thermal analysis (DTA), the temperature difference between test sample and reference material (non-reactive generally alumina) is followed, while the two substances are subjected to identical and controlled heating or cooling. The thermal plot is temperature difference Vs the temperature of reference material.

Following are the applications of DTA:

1) With the help of DTA, we can find out the effect of heat on Physical and chemical properties of sample.

2) DTA technique is used in fuel analysis, Polymers, ceramics, cements and in pharmaceutical fields.

3) The phenomenon is used to identify the products formed and also their quantitative estimation.

4) DTA gives information regarding transformation, fusion of the sample.

5) It is used for determination of M.P. and hence absolute purity of organic compound,

6) DTA phenomenon is used to find out thermal stability, fusion, phase changes, purity of variety of sample can be determined.

7) Moisture content in the sample can be determined.

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